søndag den 21. februar 2010

The birth of the thunder-pop!

Im posting this to celebrate what I think is a truly genious recording. A true masterpiece, in my humble opinion.

I bring you Floor - s/t. For those of you that is unfamiliar with this band, it is worth mentioning that it features key members that would go on to form the mighty Torche, wich would progress with, and evolve the sound put forth by Floor.

Musically we are dealing with heavy-as-fuck (were talking we're-tuning-our-instruments-so-low-that-the-strings-almost-fall-off-heavy-as-fuck) stoney rock, with a sound so unique that its not enough to charachterize it only as stoner, nor fitting enough to classify it as doom or sludge. Hence, many has dubbed Floor and Torche as thunder-pop, stoner-pop and such.

This record is overflowing with musical goodies and several thunderous riffs, that makes you feel
like you're in the middle of an avalanche. A-ma-zing!

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