torsdag den 11. juni 2009

Thrash your brains out!

Hello, its been some time since i posted anything, but a show last night with RAMMING SPEED and GRUK (both from the states) made me want to share their music with you.

GRUK was, until yesterday, completely unknown to me. They play fastcore with oldschool punky parts and a killer live attitude. Their singer has an insane voice and looks crazy as fuck when on stage (or floor, in this case). Apart from playing mighty music, they are really nice people. This is their album called "Waiting For the Rapture..."

RAMMING SPEED features members from BONES BRIGADE and BACKSTABBERS INC. (which for me is a guarantee) and play thrash/punk/grind complete with guitar solos and all. After hearing thede dudes, i think Municipal Waste should go home and learn to play faster. Their live appearance is wild and energetic with cool vibes and lotsa fun, and the dudes are very talkative and genuine. damn im sorry that i didn't have the money to buy the "Top of the dude chain" t-shirt. This is their new album called "Brainwrecked". Sorry to EL MILO for abusing his link, but im too lazy to upload it myself.Now enjoy this while opening beers with your eyebrows and jumping around the room.
HAIL TO THE GOAT! arrrrrrgggghhhh

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