I thought a lot about what to post first, and ended ud deciding on starting out with a killer. This is the Scholastic Deth discography, called Final Examiner. This band includes the one and only Max Ward of What Happens Next? and Spazz among others on drums. We are talking straight up thrash/fastcore with amazing lyrics about everything from skating to drinking coffee (score...) and enjoying reading books.
The second treat I have for you today, is a comp released on Max Ward's label the glorious 625 Records. This is just one of the several comps he has done over the last couple of years, all focusing on different regional and national scenes. This here is the Bay Area Thrash Vol. III including these amazing bands: In Disgust, Beforeafter, Rosenbombs, Suburban Death Camp, Second Opinion, Brutal Death, and No Dice. All friggin' fuckin' faster than death music. And there is a few covers in there as well, including Infest, D.R.I., and Void.
In other words, fast fuckin' music for fast fuckin' people!
Up the coffeepunx!
Siege kicks ass