Poppunk was THE genre that eventually lead me to hardcore punk, grindcore, powerviolence, slugde, doom, death metal, black metal and all those other genres that I now love. One might also say that "In the beginning, there was Satanic Surfers".
My gripe with this genre is, that since I first got into it, in the mid-nineties, it hasnt really done a lot for me. That is to say, that a lot of the "new" bands popping up, never really reached the level of my old heroes, that got me into punk in the first place. The bands Im talking about here are Satanic Surfers (first and foremost!), Propagandhi, Millencolin, NOFX, No use for a name, Bad Religion and so on.
Almost none of the bands that followed these could quite measure up, in my opinion, and thus I started to focus more on other genres, that were still able to produce new acts that could catch and hold my attention. However, a few years back, good friends set me on to a handfull of bands that could easily match my teenage heroes. It is bands from this bunch, bands that hold that particular sound and drive that I'll present in this post.
Initially I'll present the first band that really reached me in the same way that the early Satanic Surfers did, namely Iron chic. I first caught wind of their self titled demo from 2008 when it was repressed not to long ago. Five songs that instantly floored me, had me craving more, and had me waiting like an anxious teenagegirl for Justin Biebers... uhm... next single.

Iron Chic features members of the now defunct (and amazing) Latterman, and just like Latterman we are dealing in full on anthemic, sing-along poppunk, with a strong (read STRONG) sense for writing good songs.
Well, the follow up did in fact come out last year, and instantly made my top ten records of 2010 list. Not Like This, picks up the thread from the demo, and perfects the sound even more. A brilliant record packed, back-to-back with "hits". Not one song lagging in quality. Not one song seeming like its just there as filling. A masterpiece, pure and simple.
Fast forward to about a week ago. The same good friend that put me on to Iron Chic, points me in the direction of the band Boilerman. A fairly new act, they only have a five song demotape out, and just now, a four song 7''. In a genre that is packed with excess, both in musical terms and in terms of how many crappy bands there are, Boilerman is the antithesis of all this. On the 7'' Bright young things, three of the songs only just ticks past the one minute mark. This is no-bullshit-poppunk, with a great energy and just enough attitude to keep things interesting.
Included in this package is both the demotape and the 7''.

Go on. You know you want to. And when youre done with this, go listen to The Dopamines, Wax Phantom, Latterman and The Dents.