mandag den 12. april 2010

In the interest of all things obscure part V

This will be a short one, simply because it falls into the category of "more funny than actually good". The light this time shines upon a group of swedes playing easy listening pop covers of classic metal and rocks biggest hits.

The band is called Hellsongs, and on this record, you will find the following songs:

Seek and destroy (Metallica)
Paranoid (Black Sabbath)
Breaking the law (Judas Priest)
Run to the hills (Iron Maiden)
Jump (Van Halen)
Orgasmatron (Motörhead)

Hardcore metalfans will propably call this blasphemy, and it propably is, but I ask you this; are you really a metalhead if you fear a little blasphemy?!

Be prepared to strain your ears to hear the resemblance (apart from the lyrics) with the original songs. As I said, this falls into the "more funny than actually good" category. It may not even be funny, but at least it is obscure, thus fitting the criteria of this series.

søndag den 11. april 2010

In the interest of all things obscure part IV

Its time to answer the question that we have all asked ourselves at some point in our lives; if animals could play music, what would the play? Fear not, the answer has been bestowed upon us by group of germans, collectively known as Attack Of The Mad Axeman.

The narrative of this band is as follows; the mad axeman has destroyed the forest, leaving the animals with no other option in way of retaliation but to play frantic, agressive grindcore (obviously!!). Thus, the band consists of the following members:

Procyon Loctor (guitar and vocals)
Helix Pomatia (drums)
Emys Orbicularis (vocals)
Apis Melifera (bass)

Those proficient in latin and biological terms will know that this means that the drums are being played by a snail...

Seriously, there is not much more to say than what can be seen in the following live video:

I leave you with their record Grind the enimal (yes, its spelled with an "e" for some reason...). A final funfact is the respective thank you and fuck you lists.

The thank you list includes the following:
Animal Collective, Cat Stevens, Dinosaur Jr, Gorilla Angreb, Iron Monkey, Jesus Lizard, The Beatles, Snoop Dog, Red Sparowes, Schreaching Weasel, The Eagles, Whitesnake, and Wolfbrigade among others.

The fuck you list thus includes:
Anna drinks dogpiss, Birdflesh, Captain Beefheart, Dog eat dog, Minus the bear, Pet Shop Boys, and Pig Destroyer.

You get the idea, now grab it and grind the fuck out (and be nice to animals, lest they destroy you with grindcore!)